Do you feel intense fear and anxiety when speaking or anticipating having to speak, whether in person or in a virtual speaking situation?
Have you tried to overcome your fears but nothing has helped and you are still terrified and feel alone?
"What would your career, business and life look like if you were not afraid of public speaking?"
Whether you struggle with giving a business or sales presentation, a formal speech, experience call reluctance, need to promote your services, or are afraid to express yourself to others, the ability to present and speak without debilitating anxiety and fear is CRUCIAL to your success and happiness.
The Fearless Speaker Coaching Group is a safe and powerful opportunity to join a small group of like-minded professionals who desire to overcome their fear of public speaking.
During this 7 week online Coaching Group, you will be led and taught by Performance Psychologist and Anxiety Coach Dr. Nick Lazaris, who will provide the understanding and skills necessary to rid yourself of your speaking fears forever.
You will discover the key coping techniques that will help you reduce speaking anxiety and gain confidence. You can learn to turn your fear of public speaking into energized performances every time you present!
What is included:
Your Coach - Dr. Nick Lazaris
Hello! As a Performance Psychologist and Anxiety Coach, I have specialized for over 40 years in helping professionals, entrepreneurs, performing artists, and creatives achieve a life and career that they never imagined possible. By helping them dramatically increase their self-confidence and overcome their fear, my clients have developed the ability to consistently perform at or near their personal best regardless of the circumstances.
In addition to coaching and speaking, I have had the privilege to author The Assertive Communicator; From Panic to Peace; Stress, Resiliency & Taking Charge of Your Life, and The Fearless Business Speaker.
After helping his clients for the past 40 years overcome their fear of speaking or presenting themselves in pressure situations, Dr. Nick has narrowed down the KEY principles and skills necessary to help you manage and overcome your speaking anxiety in a very focused and practical way.
In each weekly Lesson, Dr. Nick will walk you through the key steps required to help you change your Fear Mindset to one of Self-Confidence. In addition, you will learn how to control your physical self so that your body's negative reaction to fear will become more and more under your control.
A 1-1 personal Coaching Session with Dr. Nick
Every other week during the Program, you will meet online with Dr. Nick who will be available to re-enforce the past weeks lessons and answer ANY questions that you might have regarding your personal anxiety producing situation. These are non-threatening, safe and supportive coaching calls - you can ask questions or just sit back and listen. (Every Call is recorded and available the next day)
A 1-1 personal Coaching session by Zoom to be used anytime in the 7-week Program. You can use this session to clarify any unique challenges that you are experiencing in the Program as you work to overcome your fear of public speaking.
Every PDF, Video, Audio Exercise, and Resource necessary to help you become a more confident and fearless speaker is included.
A 2-month Membership in the Fearless for Life Academy is included to create even MORE support as you work through the Program. EVERY Master Class, Quick-Win Video and Resource is yours to view and use during your free Membership.
Registration Now Open!
Limited time $100 off regular price!
COST: Limited time $100 off regular price!
" My coaching with Dr. Nick has amazingly changed my life. I had a fear of public speaking that was preventing me from enjoying my job, time with friends and sometimes even family time. I was always worried about what others might think of me and was always limited by others and the outside world in general. Dr. Nick has helped me refocus on myself and discover my incredible potential and getting free from the outside world. Overcoming my fear of public speaking has helped me overcome other challenges and build a stronger me.”
~ Chahinez Laidli, M.D. Paris, France
" I went to see Dr. Nick for help with public speaking anxiety and career coaching. I was immediately impressed with Dr. Nick’s approach and insight - he asked the right questions and took the necessary time to really understand where my issues were coming from. We then worked on very practical and effective tools to overcome the anxiety I was experiencing. These tools and thought processes proved helpful not only in my work but in all areas of my life. Dr. Nick’s coaching increased my confidence, improved my attitude, and equipped me to be the best person I can be! ”
~ Joe P., C.P.A.
"We had the pleasure of having Dr. Lazaris come to the OCSA to give a presentation to our students. Dr. Lazaris was warm, engaging, funny and helpful for our students. He was able to give guidance on how to control their anxiety and shared techniques with our students in order to help alleviate the stress that often comes with performance. The presentation was helpful and beneficial to our students and they thoroughly enjoyed it. We will definitely be asking Dr. Lazaris back to present again.”
~ Dr. Maria Lazarova, DMA Director, Classical Voice Conservatory Orange County School of the Arts
“Your presentation was the highlight of the meeting. You presented valuable concepts and personal strategies that will assist all of us in achieving a more productive and successful business. The audience interaction, customized workbook and your wonderful sense of humor added the perfect ingredients to the information you shared. The response that we received from the attendees was that this meeting was the best ever!”
~ Lynn Gabrielson, President Professional Speakers Network copyright 2024